Wednesday, November 30, 2011

last day on november

Dear Ary JC,
maybe He was waiting for me, maybe he think I'll go home in this December, but all is like evryting will gone, like myfriend and other,feel sad after all,pengen pulang aja deh, udah males disini,pengen cari kerjaan lain, coz gajinya kecil banget, hmm..sbenerny g kecil koq, but when I hear others got more than I've got so I wanna move on too, feel bored in this place, i dont say this place not good , so nice here. But I wanna some company pay me more, with all this,Just wanna go home and sleep.Pengen banget deh makan sbanyak2nya mpe puas and then tidur, keqnya penghujung November ini harus diahiri dengan muka merengut kah.?I won't let it be lah, I just wanna try to smile start from now,even trasa berat.stelah berfikir bahwa waktu g bisa diulang kembali that's why harus lebih menikmati hidup, since mymother gone I feel evrything never gonna be okay, Never gonne alrite with all situation. Pengen ke mom dan crita tentang ini smua,menyedihkan skali after all.Bisa g ya aku keq yang dulu lagi,keqnya beban yang aku pikirkan smakin hari smakin berat, aku g bisa mengabaikan ini smua,srasa berat..aku g bisa mengabaikannya. Aku g tau, yang jelas smakin hari smakin berat. Mom..aku kangen,;-(.Aku g tau mau ngomong apa ge..tapi aku cuma pengen buang smua beban yang aku pikirkan,mencoba untuk ikhlas dan yakin smua indah pad waktunya.walaupun serasa berat tapi aku yakin Tuhan selalu ada..sampai hari ini dia masih ada dan g pernah mengabaikan aku,isn't God.?;-)
Bdw, Ni hari pnghujung bulan November, g terasa y Ary, since January until today so many experience that I'll be remember Always,,;-), brasa banget seruny di Tahun 2011 ini, ada sedih, bahagia,pengalaman ke jakarta, banyak dah pokoke, menyenangkan si,tapi since january until today when I make relationship with Him,evrything become hard.,I dont say that He is a destroyer or He makes mylife become harder than wheb I do not know and do not make relationship with him, In case i love him so,but so many problem I've got. Dear Kudo,,i can't say anything while i feel much trouble , not just feel but I get so much trouble, evrything become hard. even I miss with you but some times I wanna let you go because later you know I know i can't make you feel happy,I can't cooking, I'm not ready for some marriage,and I feel evrything become hard when your brother told me to take some vancany in Medan. Feel like i come back to medan again and eork there,,walau dipikir pikir pasti lebih menyenangkan karna ufah deket ke kampung trus dket ke Kudo,ugh.!, Godness,,masalahnya Vacancyny mungkin dan memang dipastikan untuk seorang lucy yang kmampuan bahasa Inggrisnya Payah..yaahhh....;-(,Godness..Aku cape,Aku pengen tidur dipangkuanmu,Aku pengen ngobrol banyak tentang situasi yang aku hadapi ahir2 ini, aku slalu mrasa sdih, Tuhan..How I love him so with all his mistake,I wanna spend mylifetime for loving him maybe,coz kalau mang g jadi sama dia,yang ada kepikiran malah jadi jomblo,and then kuliah dlu, pengen cari kerja yang lebih baik, hahaha..spertinya dampak seorang kudo luar biasa y dalam hidup lusi..
Damn it.!
Welcome desember..enjoy Great Last Month in this 2011
-God Bless-

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

29-november 2011

Dear Ary JC
This is a day exactly day that before desember,feel sad because I can go back to myhometown actually, feels like alone here without doing nothing and maybe just in myboarding house, nothing to do actually, feel like evrything will be okay,just imagine what to do after all this situation, when his brother told me for get merried maybe it's just like evry people will agree with this. But how about myfamily.? they dont agree with this, with mymarriage,coz i think i'm not ready for all this situation,cooking, pregnant,breastfeed and other. will be glad to know if doesn't matter for him then he know I can't cooking, feel shame,, but what should I do.? look like used to I dont need to know bout cooking and other, I just go to for hoeing and planting rice in paddies, can you imagine with all this.? I have 8 sister and 3 brothers, feel great right.? I dont know what to do then when a man ask me for get merried cos I can't cooking,poor lucy finally with all this,I just wanna somebody give me time and I'll learing for this.Godness I can't imagine if in december I'm not go home then his brother will angry with me and evryhting will be over.? Godness, you know myheart well.I never inted to play games, I just wanna make evrything well and make him happy beside me with my little skill to amuse him,Just give me time for this,I just wanna need time,feel afraid they will be angry and then told me a big liar...huaaahh...;-(

Friday, November 25, 2011

25 November 2011--Do Less More Happy--

Terdengar sedikit aneh saat melakukan sesuatu lebih sedikit bisa berarti jadi lebih produktif – dan kalau kamu mengartikan “produktif” sebagai “lebih banyak hal yang beres” atau “melakukan lebih banyak pekerjaan”, bukan begitu yang dimaksud.
Tapi kalau melakukan sesuatu lebih sedikit artinya jadi lebih produktif - efisiensi waktu, aksi, berlaku seefektif mungkin, maka cara ini adalah yang terbaik untuk jadi produktif.
Menurut buku karangan Leo Babauta, The Power of Less, melakukan sedikit hal lebih berarti daripada sekedar menjadi produktif. Dan bisa diaplikasikan ke segala hal yang kita lakukan, bahkan ke sekitar kita. Here’s how:
1. Belanja lebih sedikit. Kalau belanja sedikit, menghabiskan uang sedikit, mendapatkan barang sedikit, maka utangmu akan sedikit, nggak punya banyak barang, uang yang tersisa lebih banyak, lebih baik secara finansial, rumah/kamar nggak berantakan, dan punya lebih banyak waktu untuk melakukan hal yang lebih penting.
2. Kurangi kesibukan. Daripada lari kesana kemari melakukan banyak hal kecil, slow down. Dengan melakukan lebih sedikit pekerjaan, kamu bisa hidup lebih tenang. Relax a little, smile and be happy.
3. Jangan banyak atur. Kalau kamu menduduki posisi yang punya otoritas atas orang lain, apakah sebagai manajer, supervisor, atau orangtua… the less you do the better. Banyak orang yang terlalu mengatur, atau mengawasi. Sehingga para bawahan, pekerja, atau anak, cuma punya sedikit kebebasan, ruang untuk kreatifitas, untuk belajar dan berhasil atau gagal. Lakukan hal kecil untuk menuntun dan mengajari, kemudian biarkan dan awasi.
4. Kurangi komunikasi. Sedikit bicara, sedikit ngobrol, sedikit berteriak dan bertengkar, sedikit email dan chat dan twitter, dan sedikit telepon. Komunikasi memang sangatlah penting dan harus jadi kunci dari setiap hubungan, tapi jangan berlebihan. Terutama kalau sebagian komunikasi yang dilakukan malah lebih banyak obrolan nggak penting, dan malah nggak benar-benar didengarkan atu mendengarkan. Saat berkomunikasi, jadikan itu berarti, tulis dan lebih banyak mendengar. Setiap email haruslah berarti, hanya chat kalau perlu. Kurangi waktu dengan handphone dan twitter dan Blackberry, perbanyak interaksi langsung, waktu untuk diri sendiri.
5. Kurangi keluhan dan kritik. Kalau kamu mengurangi dua hal di atas, your life would be better. Perbanyak kebaikan, empati, pengertian, menerima dan mencintai.
6. Kurangi planning dan kuatir akan masa depan. Habiskan lebih banyak waktu di masa sekarang. Kita terlalu banyak kuatir, dan efeknya nggak bagus untuk diri kita. Kita jadi berpikir tentang hal yang belum terjadi, dan bukannya apa yang sedang terjadi. Merencanakan sesuatu memang perlu, tapi terlalu banyak rencana malah menghabiskan waktu – kita nggak bisa meramalkan masa depan, dan berusaha mengontrol segala hal yang akan terjadi nggak ada gunanya. Coba belajar ikuti arus, menangkap kesempatan, dan lakukan apa yang diperlukan saat ini. Kita nggak bisa mengendalikan apa yang terjadi, tapi kalau belajar untuk bekerja lebih luwes (dan bukannya mengikuti rencana dengan kaku), kamu bisa mendapatkan hasil yang baik.
7. Kurangi menghakimi dan berharap. Menerima adalah hal yang perlu kita usahakan dan lakukan lebih banyak. Artinya nggak menghakimi, dan berhenti berharap banyak pada segala hal dan dari semua orang. If you have no expectations, dan nggak menghakimi, maka kita akan lebih mudah menerima. Penerimaan berujung pada rasa damai dan kebahagiaan. Saat menemukan diri sedang menghakimi, pikirkan “do less judging”. Saat mengharap seseorang untuk berlaku satu hal, pikirkan “do less expectations”. Kamu jadi nggak mudah kecewa, karena belajar untuk menerima apa adanya.
Bahagia dengan apa yang kamu punya, dan nikmati segala hal apa adanya. Dunia pasti jadi lebih menyenangkan, don't you think.?

Dear ary JC..
today just feel unwell,so many trouble in this office,start from morning until today there's nothing to do that correct,I mean evrything look like not support for do evrything..God, Feel for today have a Bad Mood, maybe coz In the morning You was remind me Pray before do evrything, but I with My high conscious I ignore it all,I'm sorry God,;-(
this is hard for me, to think bout evrything..myfuture,Myman,Myfamily,Myfriend,Mypartner in office,,evrything never ever give me support for this.I just wanna free God, Do not want to think about this suck case,make me sad,I just wanna go Home tell evrything to Mom..evrything get harder when She's gone.Feel sad mom, smua nyalahin,mreka jahat skali, I just wanna cry-cry even more tell evrything in tomb of mymother..feel sad evryday, I don't know till when, yg jelas evrything become harder,I just wanna go home and do not want to think about it anymore..evrything become harder you know..but I..God..I'm sorry..really sorry for this..Mommy..Aku sedih lagi..;-(

Thursday, November 24, 2011

24 November 2011

Dear Ary JC..
Today Thanksgiving day..Hm..aku pd bilang Happy thanksgiving eeehh...orang2 pada cuek banget,OmiGod..Mneybalkan skali..they dont know maybe what does it mean of thanksgiving day, it's mean that we say thanks For God coz he always Bless us, and Used to American celebrated thanksgiving just for they are harvest.But not In indonesia,smua pada cuek,biasa aja gitu..huaaah,,,cuek lagi,,baiklah,,mulai hari ini aku akan cuek kpada siapa pun, dan ujung2nya smua pada kcarian coz aku g prnh sms mreka lagi, Mana sms2mu deQ.? Huuhh..klw di Sms juga g bakalan di Bales,tapi tidak apa lah,,mungkin smua2 pada sibuk, tidak terkecuali dengan myfiance,ntar2 dia bilang..kmu kan g pernah kangen sama aku,padahal sbenrnya g si, dia klw di Call jwbnny y pasti sorry darla..I'm busy,would you pliz call me later.? Godness,, si Jay aja dlu udh sibuk banget msh smpt smsan..even angot2an juga orgnya..hahaha..yg paling baik itu y si Black, dia dulu baik sblm sakit(I said him sakit coz dia putus dari aku dan after that tingkah lakunya smakin tidak terkendali, baiklah..aku berbaik hati memanggilnya dengan sebutan si sakit,,,huuuuhh..!!!!) yeah..bnyk org yg dkat, specially for man,tp g da yg mnarik hati ,though banyak ksempatan membuat mreka sbagai plampiasan klw lagi g da tmen y boleh lh di call or di Sms, after that.? when I do not feel lonely, I never reply or call atau mnanyakan kabar smacemnya lah,ohowh,,it's not myduty..g penting kn.? walaupun terdengar sangat egois, but it's real koq..tidak ingin melukai hati para pria,coz for the first when he wanna make some aproaching maybe,I know and I'll be glad to go away..avoid him and act like nothing happened,hmm..sdikit mnyebalkan memang aku ini, tp aku mengakui kasus untuk pria kan tidak bisa di anggap main2, I'm commited to mywords, to mystandard ,to mytaste..without slightest decrease,yeah..sounds overrated, but it's true koq..aku komitmen dng standard yang aku buat,and until today aku g pernah mnyesal si dengan standar2 yang aku buat,even if the choise that last I made has have a little mistake, know about age and character,maybe He would not hang on with me..or maybe I'll be angry evryday, shed a tear coz he alwys blame me for evrything..but hopely dia bakal berubah when we're get Merried.? yan..owh ..cmon..really you wanna.? Don't know ..feel confuse with this, I don't know what to do, don't know with this situation, evryone urged me,so then what I must suppose to do with this situation.? apa aku sebaiknay mundur atau bagaimana y.? Mnakutkan skali..pengen bebas,tp myman wanna get merried soon..
oalah lusi...gimana ny nasibmu inang..
kita liat aja y Ary..;)
-God Bless-

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

22 november 2011

Hari ini kasus sudah selesai,tinggal menghitung menit..paling tinggal 240 detik lagi aku udah log off this PC and then go back to mylovely boarding house,hmm..then what i must suppose to do after arrive at home.? maybe read a Novel and maybe watching TV,anehnya kita berdua with nicha g suka nonton, jadi kesannya sombong or gimana y.? g mang g suka ngobrol or gimana,tau deh cewe kalau udah knalan and ujung2nya pasti dia curhat tentang cowonya or gima lh..trus udah gitu kita2 pasti g dikasi utk ngobrol or kasi pendapat sakitnya klw ngomong sesama wanita,maunya didengerin,so..walaupun udah pasang muka g suka,males..te2p aja dia ngobrol..

Monday, November 21, 2011

21--November 2011

Dear Ary JC..
what a sucks..;-(,this morning look like evrythting run bad..look her face make me feel badmood,can she give me a nice smile maybe.? I just can evryday come and working greet her and talk to her..evrybody I think are different.It's look like she do not like talk and make some conversation with me, I guess so.But really..I don't care bout that,in fact that Her act make mymood become bad.Menyebalkan skali..This morning i start with a little abuse,Godness...forgive me, but I think I have a right for myown.ntahlh ary..smua srasa tidak menyenangkan di pagi ini, I was try tapi mang bner2 g bisa,mungkin mpe sbatas ini lah kesabarnaku.Dan aku sudah memutuskan hari ini berperan menjadi wanita yang menyebalkan..;-(..baiklah..;-(
Bdw.,aku kan g jadi pulang kampung nieh..jadi gimana dong.? Senjata makan tuan lagi neih..arggahahhh,,,,ada aja yang mau dipikirkan,mana aku udah kadung janji untuk balik ke medan after completion of the contract,menyeddihkan skali bukan.? g percaya ni aku bakalan di kasi kerja trus g dipaksa merried,waduuh,,,mengerikan skali,jika dibayangkan menyedihkan skali,gimana g..?ntar aku dah hamil tmen2 aku lum pada merried lagi..

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

16--November 2011

Dear Ary JC.. was little bored coz there's nothing to do, call from customer so rarely, nothing email,complaint and nothing some case that make me feel confuse,;-),,just little bored for today..I just wanna looking for job again and I'll work for afternoon until morning to spend myprecious just feel so so..don't know lh..hhmm..sepertinya aku selalu berjalan di arah yang sama,masih berjalan di tempat and not make some progress..I wanna looking for some job that make me feel far better,,this job just make me bored,day after day..but little confuse to think about myrelationship and mylife, Mycarier..huft..poor I'm what would I do..?
Just wait for time..or should I say Only time would Answer it.baiklah..kita buat saja artikel yang sdikit menginspirasi,eventhough hanya mencontek sajo but least if someday I read this note again i can found some motivation that motivate me to far better..I wish He just wait me and I'll go to university Again..I wis..but it's look like he would never wait for me..huhu..mnyedihkan skali,how could be taon dpan aku dah merried trus punya suami,,and then pregnant,breastfeed,,Godness..while Myfriend still single and enjoy their life..while me confused to think about Myfamily and Myhusband plus mychild..Godness..BAiklah...I surender to God aja dah...:D...

Friday, November 11, 2011

--He Is--He alwys make me crying,happy,feel better..--:)

11 November 2011

Dear ary JC..
Nothing special for today while evry people said that this date have nice meaning,but i dont think so,like usual evrything running well, no matter with my job,just so so,like i could survive in a situation like this.Myman never tell anything,he just ignore and never reply mymessage,Damn..And just say,,ok we'll continue this relationship or how.?I just dont wanna fight no more,feel tired with all this,And finally He just make me sad,emotion and annoyance,it's look like I'm the guilty and should be responsible for this situation.O MyGodness..How cruel he,and he make me like this,feel mess,crowded,and after that when I do not care maybe he just come and tell me,why all be like this.?and you know me..I'm fool rite.?still young,there are so many future that I'll get if I want,I'll go to university and to be a diploma degree..yeah,diploma degree,who actually want merry soon.?I myself..or him.? can he say something.?I mean tell something to me,maybe some forgiveness of some apologize,or If I can not forgiven again,just tell me..and evrything will be this..rite now,,i just think about him,when we're together do all the thing that actually can't do..go to setia budi and go around of many place that I can't forget it but He never realized that...feel sad..hopely tonite we'll talk and all the problem will be over,,I was tired GOd..could you Please Help Me God..? I was tired with this situation...;-(
Mommy...Help me...;-(

Thursday, November 10, 2011

10 Nov 2011

Dear Ary JC..
finally i could breath..after all..tu kaan God dateng pada saat aku udh g bisa hang on..:-),He show me that Kudo have the same feeling with me,baiklah..mari kita memperbaiki dari awal lagi and do not ask him for some other girl,and after that I'll take some risk,dia marah and said do you make this to me so that I'll say we're break or do you plan something.? just say to me..why it's become harder when he said it's over and then why I'm tempted to make him upset,angry and jealous,why.? i just wanna know how deep his love,his feel to me.? do I meant for him,? wheter he was afraid losing me or not.? just feel wonder..and after that when finally he said all is up to you then I feel dissapointed,sad,angry..but then if I said ok..fine,alrite..and then he become scare and text me some message,finally..I just wait some text message for him told me that he afraid losing me..Lusi..I told how dare you dear...;-) dare you to playing his heart...

--There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage--
--God Bless--

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

09--November 2011--Cinta itu..

Dear Ary JC,
Feel cold,and feel empty since evrything become like usual,like we're never make some a relationship,and finally he ask me about our relationship last nite,,nevermind if we**..i just always say nevermind and later when he go walk out and then do not want to make a relationship with me and told me it's enough then evrything will be running frustated,I do not know what to do actually,feel terrible Mr. kudo..look at me,can you say something.? sbenernya g tau si mau bilang apa,,dibilang putus asa ia,,sudah. seandainya saja dia kasih waktu buat aku,6 month later,pasti deh aku mau jadi istri terbaik dia,but it's look like dia tidak akan bersedia menunggu,Only God know myheart well,even if I say I love you until no words could say anymore maybe he wouldn't believe it until someday I prove that how I love him so..hahaha..khabisan kata2 deh pokoknya,yang jelas if someonetake myheart and could see that how I love him so..but I think that it was too late..Mr. Kudo..wish you understand about all this..wish you know that someday I wanna spend the rest of mylife beside of you..If i were,,but it's look like it was over..hopely kita masih bisa memperbaiki semuanya,semuanya,dari awal lagi,,dari awal kita bertemu,kenalan,jalan,pacaran,made some kiss and some hug and go around medan after that stay at your boarding house along the day,,spend many times beside you,I wish I could darla,,but what I must suppose to do.? I couldn't..I was jealous after that,,aku cemburu dengan wanita yang akan dijodohin ke kamu, when you told me that you make some call with that hurts I am,I can't imagine you say hello..laughing with her,,How jealous I am..but what I must suppose to do.? it's look like I was fool..fool coz of's look like you're myheart,mybreath..I couldn't life without you..I'll die..
After all..I just wanna survive,hang on,,,coz I know evrything will be okay..tentunya God tau ini semua,tau mana yang terbaik buat aku,I do not care sesedih apa pun aku,sesulit apa pun perjalanan hidup yang aku alami,yang pastinya Dia selalu and will stay beside me and always Have time hear about myshare..always deh keqny si lusi share evryday..about the love that couldn't together..
Tuhan..aku titipkan hati dan pikiranku yah..please take care and show me for all this way out..:)
-God Bless-
When my absence doesn't alter your life, then my presence has no meaning in it.

--november 2011--08,Call me Ms. rain

-God Bless-
Dear Ary JC,
Today I just feel like before,even if he was called me 2 days a go,but that don't mean I feel better,I feel he was far away for me,he was changed with all his attitude,maybe this is the way me that he's not the one for me,since with all our debate and our apart..our relationship full with debate since we make a relationship and until now there is no conclusion about that..always debate and then no conclusion..feel sad, how.? Padahal how I love him so..with all his flaws,but he never understand me,,he just make me crying so many times and after that he just call me and say that I love you so..that make me feel happy and feel better I crazy coz of love..? or coz of Him.? what's wrong with me..? where is Lusi that used to never do this for a guy.? where..? is this the real or I'm just A fake when I'm young.? i do not i know so many people in this world become fool and dumb when they're falling in love,,include me.I'm just human..when I falling in love I do the same thing ..forgive him,love him and love the way his lie..but I miss  when someone can make me turn away for him,I just wanna wait someone can help me for this frustated situation, who can make me feel well and ofcourse he understand me well love me as who I am, not because He want something..I do not say Myman rite now make like that to me, I just want he know and understand me how i love him so..and I deserve better..I always try mybest to make him happy..try not to make some debate,but it's look like he never care about this relationship..he never know so many times and so many chance I ignore because love and just survive stay love many people I forgot..i ignore and I never realize someone outside love many people exactly..;-(,,I was make some commitment..and it was make me feel sad,when He said two days A go..he make some communication with his sister's friend,in his hometown..I dont know what her job exactly, but he said she is a civil servant..civil servant..alrite..just it make me feel terrible.,usedt to when I make a relationship with Mr. Roy she said that His mother want him make a relationship midwife..because of she is a civil servant.that's it.! and i can accept it..finally when it happen again and I feel like de dejavu exactly..this is really happen to me and what I ever make like this to a guy..? I dont think so..but why..why this happens repeatedly.?when this happen to Me when I make a relationship with roy..and Again..with Mr. Kudo..hahaha..Poor Iam..I'm just a diploma in a little Bank,,and you know.? If i say I work in ANZ bank..and so many people said..What's that..? what kind of company is that.? Gubraaaakkk...astaganagaaaaa,,,I can't believe,there are so many people who not familiar with ANZ..we're international Bank and we're the correspondent bank for AUD..and this is many people in this world especially myfriends do not know about ANZ..pOOr..;-(,,and then finally I can't hang on with all this situation,,,baiklah ..maybe myfriend are true,I must leave himmand try to looking  for the others..;-)..maybe it's not make me feel better..Alone is Better...Mr.'re the only one..but it's look like you do not want to be the one for me..finally I'll try to looking for the others..maybe if we're over and you said to me "'s ENOUGH"..and that's enough..I just maybe crying and like a foolish people cry day after day ..and after that try  to looking for the others..maybe in college..but not in one handsome guy here..;-(..but this is just fake, aslinya..aku g setegar itu koq..mungkin masih menikmati hari2 yang sendiri..merenungi nasib,hidup dengan masa lalu dan kenangan2 yang ada,,after that mungkin menunggu seseorang yang bisa ngalihin perhatian aku dari dia..mungkin ..who knows.? there's so many guy diluaran sana..maybe the one still thinking me until rite now..I just need the time for all this, hati aku juga g terbuat dari batu karang yang g bisa ngrasain apa2..I'm a sensitive girl..susah nglupain hal2 keq gini..but I believe..someday there will be a  guy..a right person..a man..will love me as who I am..and actually I falling in love with him too..and then I know he's Mysoulmate,,the one for me..;)..
I believe God was make a plan..a soulmate for us..AKu percaya soulmate itu ada . . .dan aku percaya..Love at the first sight..!!!   sangat percaya..

-God Bless-

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 2011--sad Quotes

Have you ever been in love? Horrible, isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They don't ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you, or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like 'maybe we should just be friends' or 'how very perceptive' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.
# I do not understand a God that would allow us to meet when there is no way to be together.
# " I try to talk to you, but I don't know what to say. I am afraid you don't want me to say anything. So I don't. But inside of me there are words waiting to come out. And tell you how I feel-like how I miss you. And how I love you despite my broken heart. And how I need you in my life. And especially how much I want you. But those words may forever stay in my heart-locked inside. Sometimes I wonder if there are words locked inside you too... but I'll never know." don't understand a God that would allow us to meet When there is no way for us to be together

Friday, November 4, 2011

--last hit--

04-november 2011

Dear Ary JC...:)
HAi JC..feel sad sbenernya ni hari,,finally we're really2 apart and then no make any comunication anymore..let it be lah..maybe this is not a right time for me to make a relationship with him,finally I could forget for all the mistake that he make to me,and I wish evrything will be alrite lah..artinya back to college lagi dong.? enakan gitu kan..? than breastfeed a baby..hahaha..badnews,,I cant go back to myhome town..:) sad memang..but it alrite lah,,,evrything pst ada artinya..g mnutup kmungkinan juga aku bs pulang...surrender GOd..:D

Thursday, November 3, 2011

03 November 2011

Dear Ary JC..
Aku come back lagi nih,,kmarin aku bilang putus saja sama desmon, cari aja yang lain, abisnya dia g mau dengar aku ngomong..aku marah skaligus emosi..:(,dia jahat banget ke aku,slalu keq gitu,apa lagi coba yang bisa aku lakuin.?dia g pernah mau dengar aku ngomong,,sadis banget dia itu mah..gimana ntar klw udah merried.? jahat banget dia sama aku..;-(..
Pengen tanya sama Jay Masalah Jln. Marelan itu jauh or g sm Jay..abisnya Bg desmon d sms g mau bales..sesibuk apa sih dia.? How..? apakah dia yang mengemban tugas di Medicom itu semua,baiklah..prasaanku mulai dari sekarang sudah mulai berkurang,so far kalau kita g ada komunikasi lagi baiklah..kita juga g kn mungkin untuk bersama lagi long as dia g buat komunikasi lagi ke aku,aku pasti berusaha untuk tidak membuat komunikasi dengan dia lagi..mnyedihkan skali, dia jahat skali mommy..y sudahlah,,aku akan kuliah lagi deh,,pasti smuanya baik..aku tidak ingin membuat masalah ini berkembang menjadi smakin rumit lagi deh..males banget udah mikirinnya,aku juga punya hak untuk bahagia,smua juga pasti baik koq..apa pun yang terjadi di dalam hidupku..tetap ku brkata Tuhan Yesus Baik,dalam segala hal yang terjadi tetap ku berkata Tuhan Yesus Baik.By the way hari ini masalah sdikit menantang,ada cahs withdrawal,ada ANZ online dan ada Bapak Gentur dari Bucyrus Indonesia..dia confirm kesalahan pengiriman so harus buat cancelation letter dong y..?hmm..nice si..mpe g trasa hampir jam 4 sudah skrg..hampir 2 minggu aku udh kost..tinggal jauh dari sodara aku,but I'm okay with all this..g apalah..mungkin nanti smua pasti akan baik baik saja..just time can answer it..about evrything,myrelation with Nichi,about trouble in myfamily,about myJob..evrything..Only time..:), I belife God has Planned it not worry Lushia sayang..God still with you...;D
a little quotes for today...;)

Kesempatan & Pilihan

Bertemu adalah kesempatan, mencintai adalah pilihan...

Ketika kita bertemu orang yang tepat untuk dicintai, Ketika kita berada di tempat pada saat yang tepat, Itulah kesempatan..

Ketika kita bertemu dengan seseorang yang membuatmu tertarik, Itu bukan pilihan, itu kesempatan..Bertemu dalam suatu peristiwa bukanlah pilihan, Itupun adalah kesempatan..Bila kita memutuskan untuk mencintai orang tersebut, Bahkan dengan segala kekurangannya, Itu bukan kesempatan, itu adalah pilihan...Ketika kita memilih bersama dengan seseorang walaupun apapun yang terjadi, Bahkan ketika kita menyadari bahwa masih banyak orang lain yang lebih menarik, lebih pandai, lebih kaya, daripada pasanganmu, Dan tetap memilih untuk mencintainya, Itulah pilihan...Perasaan cinta, simpatik, tertarik, Datang bagai kesempatan pada kita. Tetapi Cinta sejati yang abadi adalah Pilihan.... Pilihan yang kita lakukan...Berbicara tentang pasangan jiwa, Ada suatu kutipan yang mungkin sangat tepat :"... Nasib membawa kita bersama, tetapi tetap bergantung pada kita bagaimana membuat semuanya berhasil.. "Pasangan jiwa bisa benar-benar ada. Dan bahkan sangat mungkin ada seseorang Yang diciptakan hanya untukmu..Tetapi tetap berpulang padamu, Untuk melakukan pilihan apakah engkau ingin Melakukan sesuatu untuk mendapatkannya atau tidak...Kita mungkin kebetulan bertemu pasangan jiwa kita, Tetapi mencintai dan tetap bersama pasangan jiwa kita, Adalah pilihan yang harus kita lakukan..Kita ada di dunia bukan untuk mencari seseorang yang sempurna untuk dicintai, TETAPI untuk... Belajar mencintai orang yang tidak sempurna, Dengan cara yang sempurna...^ ^

While you are reading this page, if someone appears in your mind, then.. " You Are In Love With That Person..." (unknwon).

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 2011

Dear Ary JC..
Hopely this is a Good Month..Menyenangkan skali,finally aku menutup oktober dengan bertengkar lagi dengan dia..
he always blame me for evry mistake,and then finally last nite aku marah,emosi dan matiin telfon dari dia..think about it.dia slalu mnyalahkan aku ttg smua masalah yang terjadi di antara kami. Dia bilang aku g pernah call dia lah,apa lah..males tiba2 udh kbayang dah kuliah lagi ..megang buku, ujian smester..;-),waah..mnyenangkan skali..tidak apalah kalau skira aku tidak jadi menikah dengan dia, at least aku udah punya plan B yaitu kuliah lagi..smuanya sama2 baik koQ,tidak jadi menikah aku larinya y pasti kuliah lagi,hopely meet soulmate sbenernya di kuliahan dah, kalau jadi merried sama dia y baik juga, punya anak, udah gitu ada tmen untuk berbagi ..utang..hahaha..bunuh diri ni ye mw merried without do not know anyting..haissshhh...;-(,ntahlah..smuanya serba aneh..but it's alrite lah..ada koQ yang bakalan bantu yan dalam masalah ini,even if terasa berat,sdangkan skarang aja aku udh khilangan 2 sodara plus"kehilangan" 2 sodara lagi but itu g mengurangi smua kbahagian yang akan aku punya,,I have a rite for happy..this is mylife..myfuture, kalau skira pria yang aku syang dan suka memang tidak berpihak ke aku,y usdahlah,,aku juga g mungkin bertahan dengan ornag yang tidak bisa mengerti aku,aku males,bosen bertengkar trus..;-(,aku juga malu kalau stiap aku nelfon dia sllu spekul,ngantuk,sibuk mw mandilh cape lh,,evrything he said to me, pdhl aku dng dia komunikasinya juga cuma malam doang,itu juga diisi dengan sgala pertengkaran..OMG..;-(,cape lama2,aku juga cape nunggu telfon dari dia tiap malam,charge ponsel lh byar klw dia call g lowbat, but  he doesn't know it..dia terlalu egois.He never understand me,he never heard me..dia sllu bilang,,ia sudahlh,,slalu itu alesan kamu,mang wanita mana c yg klw nelfon di tolak trus, trus g jera2 gitu.? myGod..aku juga pny malu lah even if hew is myMan...Aku marah,finally,,sangat marah..dan tidak ingin mendengar dia bicara.I hang up the phone,I'm in Jakarta..Hopely God bless me,Masih banyak masa depan yang bisa aku raih if I still work in Jakarta and continue study, But for Him I did this all, And it doesn't have any effort as far as I merried with him..but he never Understand me..

--How sad--

But finally he told me...sorry dear,and after all I can't hang on..

--God BLess Us November rain---

It’s always been about me myself and I
If all relationships were nothing but a waste of timeI never wanted to be anybody’s other half

I was happy to say that our love wouldn’t last

That was the only way I knew to that you

You make we wanna say

I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo

Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo

Cause every time before we spend like

Maybe yes and maybe no

I can live without it, I can let it go
Ooh, I did, I get myself into

You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,

Tell me is it only me

Do you feel the same?

You know me well enough to know that I’m not playing games

I promise I won’t turn around and I won’t let you down

You can trust and never feel it now

Baby there’s nothing, there’s nothing we can’t get through

So can we say

I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo

Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no

I won’t live without it, I won’t let it go

Wooh Can I get myself into

You make we wanna say
Me a family, a house a family
Ooh, can we be a family?
And when I’m old and sit next to you.
And when we remember when we said

I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like

Maybe yes and maybe no

I won’t live without it, I won’t let it go

Just look at what we got ourselves into

You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,

Love you